I just wrote my congressman and senators, so I’m not just blogging and Facebooking, thinking that by venting I am accomplishing anything. Whether my email (actually it’s not that easy, it’s a tedious and shameful navigational process to contact them) will nudge anything, we do recognize that votes count, dollars count, and raindrops make rivers. I also have donated to the ACLJ, our local pro-life pregnancy center, a homeless shelter, the American Legion, the NRA, to name a few. That, thus far, is the extent of my activism. What I have not done is call other voters uneducated or stupid and I hope I can convince others to have similar restraint.
I did vote Republican but did not do so because I was
brainwashed, think it is Jesus’ party, was afraid of a woman President, or am hateful
of anyone. If there had been (in my opinion, to which I am entitled) a palatable
Democratic candidate for President I may have voted for them (unlikely, but maybe). While I
understand the fear of our current Executive bending the nation toward right
wing extremism, history tells us that left-wing extremism is the other path to
totalitarianism, and that’s what I voted against.
If commentators want to blame a certain set of 2024 voters for
whatever they fear is happening, that’s convenient enough, but Presidential
excess and governance by bureaucrats has a history of mission creep that brought
us to where we are today. When I was a kid, we would gradually expand our yard
by burning off brush. Unauthorized and unsupervised one summer day a friend and
I decided to light a thinning fire, but looked away for just a bit and turned
to see it already nearly out of control. Hopefully that parable is apt, but
what took a few minutes at the edge our yard has taken a few decades, or
perhaps centuries to create in government. We can’t curse the curb if we’ve run into it
knowing our brakes had worn out.
In Federalist No. 10, James Madison argues that a large republic with diverse interests would prevent any single faction from dominating power. I have that hope today that the President’s excesses will be tempered by the influences of Congress, the courts, and public opinion. Public opinion may, sadly, be the weakest link as opposition is largely inarticulate, ad hominem, unfocused, and bitter. Further complicating matters is that our (I include myself in this human brain problem) sources of information and how we’ve been conditioned to consume them does little to educate us sensibly.
It rook Republicans far too long to learn the deceptive tricks
of linguistic contortion and media manipulation, but the twisted rhetorical skills
are now more fine-tuned across the political spectrum. Truth with a capital “T” is so camouflaged
that few there are who can discern it. Intelligent debate in point-counterpoint
fashion has digressed to the old Saturday Night Live routine where Dan Akroyd’s
opening salvo in a debate with Jane Curtain begins “Jane, you ignorant slut”. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c91XUyg9iWM)
(As an historical note, SNL used to be a comedy show).
You and I are ultimately the guardrails of democracy (I know
– democratic Constitutional Republic – spare me the lecture). We will fail in
that role if we vote only with our rage, focus on personality or party before
principle, and label others as haters to justify hating in return. We Americans
may have lost our collective fear of power that marked the Revolution in favor
of comfort. Protest wisely.