Friday, September 13, 2024

The Election

First, let me apologize for even weighing in on the Presidential election. It won't change anybody's vote, but it may change someone's blood pressure. Secondly, let me say that this is the most embarrassing display of electoral choices in my lifetime. Thirdly, whomever you support or reject: I get it. I'm not mad at anybody (other than the candidates) either way. Please extend the same openness to me. 

Several years ago I was driving our Chevy Astro Van on a snow-slicked two-lane road in Arizona high country with the fam. I was on a downhill path approaching an intersection when a tractor trailer unit turned onto our highway. The box trailer didn't follow the truck as the driver intended due to the snow and filled both lanes coming at us sideways presenting potential decapitation. It was too slick and too late to stop, so I had the choice of taking my chances with a collision or veering off of the road into unknown turf. I chose the latter, not knowing if there was a ditch or culvert or other obstruction that would have traded one collision with another. By the grace of God, it was the right decision and we bounced back onto the intended roadway and paused to let our hearts and stomachs catch up. I feel very much the same way about this election as I did about deciding which crash would be worse.

The trivialization of the contest that I hear and read is like annoying sniggering at a funeral, or reading the funniest last words of people on death row. I'm sick of hearing about cat ladies and annoying cackling. It's the future of the free world, people! I know I'm not alone when I fear that a large number of voters are using the same standards they did to select their homecoming royalty. I don't LIKE either candidate, and the so-called debate was a lost game of Wack-A-Mole where all the moles dodged the mallet and we ran out of quarters. 

As a Bible believer, I see that God watches nations. Read Genesis 10 and 11. Read Exodus. Read Revelation. Note that "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." While Jesus proclaimed that His kingdom was not of this world, the rise and fall of nations, boundaries, and kings is entertwined with His plan to redeem mankind. We are urged to be good citizens, and the Apostle Paul exercised his rights as a Roman citizen on more than one occasion. I reject the idea of a Christian nation and embrace the hope of a nation of Christians. Theocracy is not the believer's goal in participating in government, but justice is. Therefore we must vote with our best intellect, not our feelings.

One candidate is narcissistic, crude, bellicose, and bombastic and that, unfortunately and reluctanty is the one I'm going to vote for. The historic Chamberlain-like appeasement in foreign policy is a legacy of Democrat Presidents at least since Carter (and not a few Republican policymakers, I must add). While DJT will not likely listen to any advisors, he will be able to make decisions and stick with them and adversaries and allies alike will listen. I don't see any evidence that KH can make a decision on her own, and I fear that she's at the opposite end of taking advice in that she seems not to be her own person. Which will start a nuclear war is 60/40. DJT's handlers quiver every time he opens his mouth, I'm sure. But KH's handlers can be sure she'll never make a spontaneous statement at all.  

I believe the Abrahamic promise that God will bless those who bless (Abraham's seed) and curse those who curse, so I favor supporting Israel in more than rhetoric tempered to appease those who want the destruction of Israel. I know - it's complicated, but pro-Israel is best for America.

I miss the days when Bill Clinton said of abortion that it should be "safe, legal, and rare", rather than celebrating abortion as evidenced by the poster saying "BEEP BEEP" announceing the arrival of portable abortions van (they did 22 the first day - yay!) like the circus was coming to town. Hear me, I get the exceptions, I get the autonomy argument, I get the dangers of extreme prohibition, I get it. There will never be a national abortion ban even if DJT wanted one. He could have done it in his first term but didn't. The reversion to the states is messy, but SCOTUS didn't prohibit abortions it just said "We're not seeing this in the Constitution, and we're not seeing it as a federal issue" (paraphrased rendition) and with that, I agree. Hello 10th amendment.

As a criminal justice researcher, writer, and practitioner, I declare that KH has zero credibility on that issue (not that she's mentioned it as an issue - but then.... oh nvm) for reasons I can cite if asked, or you can see my video blog post nearby. But, but, but....DJH is a felon! Rest assured, he won't be after all the appeals. Would he weaponize the DOJ if elected? He didn't last time with HRC. 

Economic policy? Who we elect and what we demand from Congress is more important that who is in the Oval Office. We've created a FrankenPresidency that has unbalanced the founder's intent. Enough Executive Orders already. I'll let the stock brokers and billionaires argue that out, but I'll just say this - don't believe any statement about how much money is going to be put in your pocket. No President can do that, they can only take it out. 

We all think that others do or should think the way we do and are, inexcusably, disappointed when they don't. I suspect a lot of other voters are deciding who to vote against, too. But, if you are really a flag waving Trump or Harris cheerleader then thank you for being part of the show. As for me, I am taking the Trump ditch and its bumpy ride instead of crashing into the Harris truck. Let's still love and respect each other and pray for America. Seriously.


  1. “Let’s still love and respect each other and pray for America.” Amen, Joel. On this we will forever agree. Bless you and your family.

  2. Ditto and Amen brother
